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Invited Speakers
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Juliana Tavares
Juliana Carvalho Tavares is Associate Professor IV of the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG/Brazil). Undergraduated in Biological Sciences at UFMG. PhD in Molecular Biology and Physiology Program at the Universidad de Valladolid/Spain. Post-doc at the University of Calgary/Canada, at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute/USA and at the Institute of Biology and Molecular Genetics/Spain. She has experience in immunology, physiology, biochemistry and oncobiology fields, with emphasis on immunophysiology.

João Miguel Marques dos Santos
Dr. João Miguel Santos is a dentist (CP 1425) since 1995 and an assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra. He is the Coordinator of the Post Graduate Course in Endodontics and of the ERASMUS Department. He is also member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journals Medicine and BMC Oral Health, member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Journal of Endodontics, European Endodontic Journal and of the Journal of Functional Biomaterials, international member of the American Association of Endodontists and active member of the International Association of Dental Traumatology.

Elaine Maria Souza-Fagundes
Graduated in Pharmacy at Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Master's degree in Biological Sciences (Microbiology) at UFMG, and PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology at Fundação Oswaldo Cruz; Postdoctoral fellow at the Rene Rachou Research Center and in Cancer Drug Discovery at Vanderbilt University/USA. Awarded with a grant for scientific visits at the University of Konstanz - Germany, by the ALEXANDER Von HUMBOLDT/CAPES foundation - Experienced Researcher. She is currently an Associate Professor at UFMG, in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics. She has experience in the field of Cellular and Molecular Immunology and Pharmacology.

João Soares Carrola
Graduated (1997) in Zootechnical Engineering at University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Master's degree (2003) in Agricultural Sciences (Specialization in Animal Production) at UTAD, and PhD (2011) in Environmental Sciences at UTAD. He is currently an Assistant Professor (2011) at UTAD and investigator in the Center for Research and Agro-Environmental and Biological Technologies (CITAB/UTAD).
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