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Scientific Committee

Joana Barbosa
Joana Barbosa is an Invited Auxiliary Professor and Researcher at IUCS/CESPU. Among other subjects, she lectures Immunology, Biochemistry, Toxicology, Genetics and Biotechnological and Biomedical Techniques to several 1st and 2nd cycles of studies. She holds a BSc and an MSc degree in Biochemistry (FCUP/ICBAS-UP), as well as a PhD in Biomedicine (FMUP). Throughout her research path, she has worked on areas as diverse as the characterization of protein bioactivity upon nanoencapsulation and the dissection of the molecular alterations underlying the spindle assembly checkpoint inefficiency in brain tumor cells. Currently, she is interested in the study of opioid toxicology, using in vitro and in vivo approaches. She integrates the UCIBIO/REQUIMTE and the TOXRUN/IUCS.

Cláudia Ribeiro
Most research area is related to environmental toxicology in a multidisciplinary approach integrating environmental, animal and human health. Expertise is related with the development of chromatographic methodologies for analysis of diverse kind of substances and matrices including environmental contaminants (e.g., pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruption compounds), ecotoxicity (using diverse model organisms daphnia, zebrafish and protozoan) and risk assessment and management (medicines, chemical products, other environmental and health risks).

Juliana Faria
Juliana Faria concluded the PhD (Doctoral Program in Biomedicine, from FMUP) in 2018, and she is an investigator at UCIBIO - REQUIMTE and an integrated member of the ToxRun/CESPU and an Invited Auxiliar Professor at the IUCS - University Institute of Health Sciences/CESPU. She holds a BSc and an MSc in Biology from FCUP.
In 2006, she started working as an Invited Assistant Professor at IUCS/CESPU, lecturing theoretical, practical and theoretical-practical classes in the fields of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Cytogenetics, Microbiology and Clinical Toxicology. During her research path, she also integrated teams dedicated to the study of the secretory pathway of proteins with biotechnological interest and of pharmacogenetic variations with toxicological relevance. She is interested in opioid pharmacogenetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and toxicology.

Patrícia Silva
Patrícia Silva is Research Assistant and Invited Auxiliar Professor of Cellular and Molecular Biology at IUCS - CESPU. She graduated in Pathological, Cytological and Thanatological Anatomy (CESPU) in 2008 and completed a MSc in Molecular Biology Techniques and Cytomics in Health Science (CESPU) in 2011. From 2013 to 2017 she was devoted to her PhD in Biomedical Sciences (Universidade do Algarve), where she explored the function, regulation and therapeutic implications of the Spindle assembly Checkpoint (SAC) mechanism. Currently, her research interest focuses on the clinical relevance of mitosis regulation and in development of strategies to kill cancer cells or to increase their sensitivity to currently anti-mitotic agentes. She published 22 articles in international peer reviewed (ISI) journals, was author/co-author of 21 invited/selected talks in national and international meetings, was partner of 14 projects with competitive funding, and co-supervised 17 MSc and graduated students.

Virgínia Gonçalves
Virgínia Gonçalves concluded her MSc degree in Biochemistry and Food Chemistry in 2007, at the University of Aveiro. Previously, she completed her BSc in Chemistry (Biochemistry and Food Chemistry) in 2003, also at the University of Aveiro. Presently, she is a Research Assistant at IUCS-CESPU. She is the author or co-author of 23 peer-reviewed papers. She has organized and managed 3 advanced training workshops, and actively participated in another 9. She collaborates or has collaborated in 5 science research projects, as researcher or in technical development. Her scientific activity is mostly centered in the field of Natural Sciences, with a special emphasis on Earth and Environmental Sciences. The keywords most relevant and related to her research are: heteropolysaccharides, fluorinated chemicals, micropollutants, chrial compounds, mass spectrometry, LC-MS, Aerobic granular sludge.
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