The overall theme of this year’s PhD Day is ‘Scientific Innovation: challenges in health and environment issues’, focusing on Global Health and the Environmental Crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the scientific and laid public awareness the need to innovate and increase our understanding of current Global Health issues (pandemics, mental health, cancer, etc.), which are closely related to Environmental problems.
Try to answer questions like: why is your research interesting and important? How can your research be applied? What problems might your research help solve?
Selection Criteria
During submission, you need to select the type of presentation you want to apply: poster, oral, and poster/oral. The submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the PhD Day scientific committee, which will accept or decline them and decide the best ones for oral presentation.
The following criteria will be taken into account for the abstract selection:
High academic level
Formulation and communication skills
Impact and originality of the project/research
Deadline for submission of abstracts: October 7th
The best oral presentations and posters will receive a prize, so do not forget to apply!!

The form is free but should focus on “delivering the overall message” rather than giving lengthy details on a specific topic. The challenge is to simplify and communicate your topic. You can choose to focus on a method or the conclusion of your research.
Written in English
Presented in English or Portuguese
Size A0 (841 x 1184 mm; vertical orientation)
Template for the abstract
Oral presentation

The form of the presentation is free but should focus on “delivering the overall message” rather than giving lengthy details on a specific topic. The challenge is to simplify and communicate your topic. You can choose to focus on a method or the conclusion of your research. However you must have data to present.
Brief and precise presentation of your research (maximum 10 minutes)
Talks are presented in Portuguese or English
If you require audio for your presentation, please contact the organizers at least one day before the event